We understand behavioural issues can be taxing and can put a strain on your relationship with your furry friend. It is important to remember there are ways we can help get you and your pet attain a positive and rewarding relationship.
At WBVC, we offer tailored behavioural consultations to address any concerns you may have. In these consultations, we draw upon training techniques, behavioural management strategies, and medication to help reduce or eliminate the identified behavioural issue.
What to expect in a Behavioural Consultation:
When it comes to your pet’s behaviour, it is extremely important to seek the advice of a qualified veterinarian or animal behaviour specialist. Changing problem behaviour requires commitment on behalf of the whole family, as everyone your pet interacts with will be responsible for encouraging desirable behaviour. For some problems such as barking, escaping, aggression, or separation anxiety it is beneficial to see the pet in its natural environment, thus a home visit may be appropriate. Some cases may also require medications alongside the new training techniques to get the best outcome.
For this and other behavioural problems we advise you contact us to make an appointment with one of our veterinarians.
Common conditions:
How are behavioural problems treated?
We believe the best approach to resolving behavioural issues is positive reinforcement. This requires commitment on behalf of the whole family. It is very important that the cause of the problem is addressed, not just the symptoms of the problem.
We believe in positive reinforcement methods as the best approach to resolving behavioural issues. Changing problem behaviour has no quick fixes and requires commitment on behalf of the whole family. It is very important that the cause of the problem is addressed, not just the symptoms of the problem.
The common cause of behavioural issues:
Anxiety disorders are the leading cause of behavioural issues with 25% of pets experiencing an anxiety disorder within their life.
Veterinary Behaviouralist recommendations:
Behaviour and Training recommendations:
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